We are already halfway through our summer holiday and suddenly some ideas about how I would like my Art lessons to be next year start popping up. A huge number of authors, movements, techniques, projects, materials... invade myself.
But... before getting dirty and transform ourselves into the little artists we want to be we need to create an environment where everybody feels cozy letting our imagination fly without fears and stress.
How can we create this friendly environment?
-Agreeing rules.
-Assigning tasks and jobs' helpers.
-Making up collaborative groups.
-Expressing our new school year wishes.
-Decorating the room.
-Organizing materials.
Però...abans d'embrutar-nos les mans i convertir-nos en els petits artistes que estem desitjant ser hem de crear un atmosfera en què tothom es senti còmode per deixar volar la nostra imaginació sense pors, tensions.
Com podem crear aquesta atmosfera?
-Pactant normes.
-Designant tasques i encarregats.
-Pactant normes.
-Designant tasques i encarregats.
-Formant grups cooperatius.
-Expressant els nostres desitjos pel nou curs.
-Decorant l'aula.
-Organitzant els materials.
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