martes, 6 de mayo de 2014


Feia setmanes que volia fer us de témperes però aplicades d'una forma diferent, al mateix temps també volia introduir el punt ja que durant aquest curs no s'havia treballat gaire aquest contingut amb cap artista.
Havia vist que algunes escoles desenvolupaven el tema de l'art aborigen australià i cercant per la xarxa vaig trobar una idea molt senzilla per fer amb nivells inicials. 

Some weeks ago I had been thinking about using paints in a different way, at the same time that I wanted to introduce the dot to my students because I hadn't the opportunity to do it with any of the artists they worked with before.
I heard about some schools developing art projects about Aboriginal Art so I decided to find out some ideas and I found a very simple activity for very young learners.

-Observem un mapa del món per localitzar on estem: Where are you from?
-Descobrim la foto d'un cangur: What animal is it? Where is the kangaroo from?
-Descobrim altres animals: a turtle and a lizard.
-Mirem obres dels aborígens: What animals can you see? What colours can you see? Can you see lines, shapes? Who is the artist?
-Observem la foto dels aborígens.

-We look at a World map: Where are you from? Where do you live?
-We discover a kangaroo photo: What animal is it? Where is the kangaroo from?
-We discover other animals: a turtle and a lizard.
-We have a look at aboriginal artworks: What animals can you see? What colours can you see? Can you see lines? A triangle? Who is the artist?
-I show them the artists: Australian aborigines.

Les instruccions són donades al principi de l'activitat i durant el procés. Els nens i les nenes tenen un paper participatiu i actiu mentres es donen les instruccions:
-Acabant les frases.
-Portant o ensenyant els materials.
-Assenyalant imatges com a suport visual.

Instructions are given at the beginning of the activity and during the process. Children are participative and active when giving instructions:
-Completing the sentence.
-Bringing/Showing the materials.
-Pointing to pictures or photos as a visual support.
-Answering questions.

1. Choose an animal: What animal do you want?
2. Colour the animal with wax crayons.
3. Cut out the animal with scissors.

4. Stick the animal in the centre of a black cardboard. 

5. Take cotton buds and dip one in the paint.

6. Paint dots around the animal silhouette.
7. Finish the row and change the colour.

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